
Showing posts from November, 2022

Towards achievement of universal health care in India by 2020

 Towards achievement of universal health care in India by 2020   Health Although India is one of the best destinations for medical tourism , it still lags behind a lot of countries in its healthcare system especially to its masses. It is true that India has made a lot of progress since it attained independence. That said, healthcare seems to be a problem that continues to fester with no sustainable solutions being put for that up to now. That is not to mean that there is an inadequacy of ideas as to what can be done. A lot of ideas have been put forth with one of the most ambitious being to bring universal healthcare to all by the year 2020. Where do the problems and challenges lie? One of the biggest problems with attaining sustainable healthcare to all in India is its population when you look at it through  the spectrum of socio-economic depravity. A huge percentage of Indians can be categorized as poor. This means that with the way things are right now, this part of the Indian popul