Dieting For Your Health
Dieting For Your Health Fitness,Health Is your personal health and wellbeing worth losing a few pounds for? Any overweight person who has ever visited a doctor has, at the very least, been warned of the risk to one's health. Much in the same way smokers know the risks associated with smoking, overweight people know the risks of obesity. I believe it is rather useless to try to assign outside blame for one's eating disorders. The fact is that when I was a size blimp no one forced food into my mouth. Food, good or bad, didn't simply jump off the table and land between my teeth. What I had to do was figure out why I ate to excess before I could ever quit the obsession and begin to lose weight. My 12 step friends like to say, "Denial isn't just a river in Africa." To deny one's disorder when it comes to food and weight is simply a way to hide behind one's discomfort with one's weight. Some people even go so far as to proclaim "fat is the new t...